So, today you can’t start a marketing campaign for your business without an exceptional landing page.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is on your website where users land after clicking on an online marketing call-to-action. While your homepage is a massive menu of everything about your business, the landing page has only one call-to-action. As a result, businesses using landing pages are getting more leads and higher conversions.

What is a Landing Page?Two Categories of Landing PagesLanding Pages and Their PurposesMessage Match

You can ask a web developer to create an outstanding landing page for your business or do it yourself with a free and simple-to-use landing page builder. Just the act of paying enough attention to this may lead you to unbelievable success in your business activity. The purposes of a landing page are the following:

Two Categories of Landing Pages

From this point of view, we can classify landing pages into two categories:

Landing pages for lead generation

The most helpful information that you can get from a lead generation page is users’ email addresses that open the doors of communication with them. After having this data, you can make efforts to turn them into a customer. As you see, the most powerful tools are combined and used here, i.e., email and landing pages.

Landing pages for click-through.

These kinds of landing pages, often called jump pages, serve as a bridge between a marketing ad and the final step.  The purpose of this type of landing page is to prepare, i.e., “warm-up,” the user for buying your product or service and then encourage them to get to the call to action. Click-through pages are commonly used for e-commerce. They:

Include all the necessary information for the buyer, make them ready to make an order and direct them to a shopping cart or checkout. Videos or product images paired with a description and product benefits help persuade the visitor to click the call-to-action.

Remember to exclude any additional navigation or links so that your landing page includes just the call to action. The simpler, the better. Modern customers don’t like complicated actions.

Landing Pages and Their Purposes

The ways to use landing pages are endless. They are ideal for accumulating personal data about the potential customers by providing them some kinds of reports or whitepapers with statistical data in the industry, ebooks, maybe some podcasts or checklists/scorecards, subscriptions for blogs that will help you receive content regularly via email, registration for live online events, presentations, recordings of online events, etc. Don’t save efforts to “warm” your potential clients and stimulate them to get deeper into your sales funnel. As a result, they will purchase your product or service and become a customer of your online business. Always remember! Landing pages is that magic wand that will help you to satisfy all your marketing campaign needs. So, never start a campaign without a well-thought-out landing page.

Message Match

To make your landing pages efficient, it’s essential to ensure message match. Therefore, your landing page reinforces the message shown on the link that was clicked to be redirected to the page. Be attentive because most people seem to be impatient as a child. As a result, they are more likely to leave your page just in a few seconds. So, make sure that you’re able to reinforce their intent quickly. A matching headline is a key feature that will help you do that. If a person who visits your landing page sees that the messages match, they will be sure that they made a “good click.” On the contrary, if the message match is weak, you will have a higher bounce rate and, consequently, a significant decrease in conversion rate. To sum up, landing pages play a decisive role in lead generation and conversion rates. They are designed to receive campaign traffic and make conversions. Its separation from your website allows them to be focused just on a single objective.  If you’re not satisfied with your sales and would like to increase them a little bit, then consider creating a killer landing page to boost your business. 

Boost Your Business with a Killer Landing Page   TechDator - 12Boost Your Business with a Killer Landing Page   TechDator - 10