1. Source Content for Reporters or Bloggers

There is a free service called Help a Reporter Out (HARO), it is a very good place for people looking to get in touch with bloggers and journalists and to expose the links. It is considered to be one of the best strategies by SEO experts to get high-quality backlinks. The mystery behind ranking on the first page of search engines is to get quality links. The good news is, this strategy is a white hat SEO technique, and therefore you can use it with confidence. White-hat techniques are legitimate methods for improving a website’s rank and bringing more traffic.

Without spamming and compelling anyone you know to compromise on the quality of the content, you can ask your friends and associates for backlinks. Being a part of the digital world, you might know people who own authoritative websites or blogs, or if you are an SEO expert, you may have your colleagues whom you can request valuable backlinks. If not, start networking within your niche, Google the type of websites you want or the ones related to your subject, and start making meaningful relationships.

3. Reach Out to Similar Industry Publications

Reach out to highly ranked websites. There are a number of ways to approach high DA sites. For instance, you can write a guest post for them, lend a service such as helping them find a broken link, point out an error in their website or exchange articles, etc. Try to offer a service that adds value to your website and improves your reputation in the online industry. In some circumstances, you can simply get your content published and request a backlink in return. Credible sources like .edu or .org alongside highly ranked web publications are considered good quality links. Offer them to do the same if they want that.

4. Create and Publish Engaging Content

According to research conducted by Buzzsomu, out of 1 million blog posts, 75% get zero reads. Now that is alarming, the common reason behind this is we focus on “posting” more than “marketing” or actually writing something meaningful. Hence, content marketers and SEO experts should focus more on quizzes, the “Why” and “How to” posts, infographics and visual content while posting and planning the content strategy.

5. Appear As a Guest on Podcasts

If you have a podcast, great! If not, you can always appear in one for an interview, talk, or discussion, and in return request them to give you a backlink. You can start your own podcast and invite people for interviews. This will help you bond with them and later on, you can request them to give you a backlink. That is another tried and tested method for high-quality backlinks.

6. Write High-Value Comments on Websites

Get backlinks by leaving comments on blogs and websites. Try to add your website name, URL, or keywords somewhere in the comments. Make sure it is not being marked as spam. Do read the subject matter in the write-up and compose the comment according to it. Otherwise, it will not get you any attention and will not serve the purpose. Let us just accept it, we all read comments on controversial or even on any random post, on either social media or any other platform, in order to get detailed insights. Never leave a one-liner saying “nice write-up” “agree” or “disagree”; try to add a story or density to your comment by narrating your context. Either criticize constructively or acknowledging something by appreciating it. I have seen people sharing their experiences in more than 500 words as well, and people do read them as I could see the thumbs up and thumbs down responses.

7. Write Interactive Guides

If you want high-quality links, post ‘Ultimate Guides’ or ‘Step-by-Step Guides’. The content quality and quantity for guides have to be rich while producing and designing informative content. The standard length starts from 4500 words but it varies depending upon the subject. Decide the topic on which you want to write an ultimate guide and make sure that the subject you are writing on is one of your areas of interest so that you can produce in-depth content. It is even better if the topic for the guide is high in demand and is being searched online. Cover everything about the subject because it is an ultimate guide and will be read even after a couple of years since it will be accessible online. Lengthy content is considered credible by people and Google, hence it ranks well on search engines.

8. Study Your Competitors

According to SEO experts, the quickest and smartest way towards improvement is to learn more about your competitors. Follow their social media pages, see what they share, whom are they collaborating with, what works for them, and avoid what does not work for them. Use tools like link explorer at Moz and see who has shared backlinks with them and where their backlinks are. Get on another level by allowing their notifications, signing up for their newsletters, following their posts and tags. You can get the same success by replicating their results and that is the key. Spy everything but copy their practices mindfully, do not just start following what they do blindly.

9. Post Blogger Reviews

This is one of the most popular methods nowadays and it can get you a high-quality link. However, this practice takes time because the probability of getting a response is not that good. Getting a review from bloggers on their websites and pages is a common practice for marketing and getting a backlink. Bloggers with massive followings usually get hundreds of requests, which causes the delay in response and gives them a prospect to go for quality collaborations only. Research and reach out to credible and highly ranked bloggers and ask them to give you a review. You can additionally offer them a backlink in return.