Search Engine Optimization

Simply put, without a good SEO strategy — including identifying keywords, writing SEO titles and meta descriptions and getting good links towards your website — there is very little way that your website will rank well on Google. When you consider that the vast majority of traffic online comes from search engine sites, an SEO strategy is a difference between a middling success and a great one. If you need help setting up an SEO strategy, this web design company based in Coventry can help.

1 Search Engine Optimization2 Newsletter3 Social Media4 Press Releases5 Word of Mouth


To get people returning to your website, you need to offer some kind of incentive that makes it an essential resource for visitors. That’s why its advisable to implement some form of newsletter. It can be a very simple one, with just some text stating the latest news in your company, to complex and exciting multi-media projects, utilizing video and podcasts to get people fully invested in your site. By growing a newsletter you help to increase the reach of your site day-by-day and possibly convert uncertain viewers into full-time subscribers.

Social Media

Everyone is online and on social media these day. That’s why it’s so important to extend your verticals and make sure your website is present all across the web. Consider investing into having pages on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. With Facebook skewing all age-groups, TikTok skewing the younger generation and LinkedIn for working professionals, you can use these differences to your advantage, changing your brand tone based on who you are approaching. You can also use your social media pages as the most public-facing arm of your company, directly broadcasting to your friends and followers.

Press Releases

Write up what you are doing, send it to journalists through a PR pitch, and there could be the chance that they write up about it in the news. To do this you need to think of a really good angle. Journalists are inundated with PR pitches every day, so it really has to be something that catches their eye. Done successfully, however, it can be a great way of boosting your brand.

Word of Mouth

Chances are, the first thing you have done after creating a new website is sent it to your friends and family. As well as them providing feedback on your venture, this could help to spread the word of mouth effect, where they carry on promoting your website to their friends. When you message or email them the link to the website, make sure to tell them to share it in their WhatsApp groups or online forums, letting them do the marketing for you!