Jailbreaking iOS with Android

Though breaking the core revokes any warranties from OEM, it gives the users a new door for trying new stuff. Jailbreaking, for example, lets iOS users install and try most services that are restricted by Apple. But, trying that needs software like Checkra1n, which specializes in providing tools for jailbreaking since so long.

Jailbreaking iOS with AndroidRequirements:Process:

A new trial by Reddit user tells you can now jailbreak iOS with the help of Android phones. Here’s how he, or you can do it;


An iPhone or iPad that’s compatible with Checkra1n. Suggested devices are iPhone 5S to X with iOS 12.3 and up. An Android device with the latest OS and kernel versions. The device can be rooted in Magisk. The two devices to be connected. A terminal app should be readily available.


Check the architecture of the iOS and download the compatible Checkra1n binary for Linux. You can check the phone’s architecture by connecting it to the computer and running this command line adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi by ADB. Now download the binary into /data on your rooted Android, and connect the iOS device to it. Open the terminal app in Android and gain root access by typing “su” command. Now type “lsusb” to check if the iDevice is recognized or not. The result of recognized iDevice should display a USB ID as “05ac:12a8”. Now tune your operating iDevice into Device Firmware Upgrade mode. Know how to do so here. Recheck your iDevice with “lsusb” for recognition status. The USB ID should display a new one as “05ac:1227”. Run checkra1n in CLI mode by typing “./checkra1n -c” command line.

The end result will be the jailbroken iOS device. This is tried and tested as the Reddit user has posted a video of this. He trailed this with the Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact with Linux Kernal version 4.14 and Android 10. This process can be repeated if any error occurred. Via: XDA developers

iPhone Can Be Jailbroken Using Rooted Android Phone   TechDator - 66iPhone Can Be Jailbroken Using Rooted Android Phone   TechDator - 48