As the game was so popular in India, in a very short period of time, the game had a huge loss. So, the owner of the game PUBG Corp. is trying their best to get the game back in India.

PUBG Mobile can Come Back to India

PUBG Mobile game was developed by Tencent Games and the owner of the game is now taking away all the rights from them to get the game in India. PUBG Corp. said: PUBG Corp. is a Korean company but the Tencent Games is a Chinese giant. However, Tencent Games was developing PUBG. So, if PUBG Corp. gets successful in parting ways from Tencent, then the Indian government could unban the game. As the game will no longer be with a Chinese publisher. However, Tencent games have moved the servers to Indian to comply with the government’s regulations. As it is a Chinese origin, the was the game was banned in India. So, taking away the publisher’s franchise from Tencent can bring the game back. India was one of the most popular with 50 million monthly active users in the game. So, the PUBG Corp. needs the game to exist in India. Now, we need to wait for the official confirmation whether the Indian government will allow the back to be back or not.

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