Free Udemy Courses YouTube Video, Pulled Down

Udemy, the online learning platform with over 35 million students, 57,000 instructors, and 400 million courses, has recently partnered with Gale to offer free courses for upskilling the eligible learners. This partnership offers students at various universities to access over 6,000 Udemy courses for free! This worked with only some institutions and required valid credentials to log in to the connected public library website initially. Since this offers free education to many, ShareLearn, a YouTube channel, had thought of explaining this to everyone. Thus, they uploaded a video explaining this technique. Also Read- Best Free Python Courses Online For Beginners

They talked about accessing the initially, with the San Francisco library as an example, and continued explaining the process of ultimately accessing the courses through the Udemy portal. While this all seemed good, Udemy has struck YouTube with a DMCA notice asking to take down the video. This is because ShareLearn has used Udemy’s logo in their video, which infringes its copyrights, claims Udemy. Though ShareLearn mentioned in the disclaimer that the video was not affiliated to Udemy, it didn’t spare. Eventually, YouTube complied with this request and pulled down the video. While this satisfied Udemy, ShareLearn filed a counter-notice to YouTube to restore the video, saying it’s under fair usage policy. Further, ShareLearn claims to have asked Udemy the questions of why it didn’t want this method to be publicized, to which Udemy denied explaining and stood firmly on removing the video at last. Also Read- Best Sites For Free College Courses Online

YouTube Video Explaining Trick to Access Free Udemy Courses  Tookdown with DMCA - 40YouTube Video Explaining Trick to Access Free Udemy Courses  Tookdown with DMCA - 90